
Members benefits

Being a member means benefiting from a wide variety of services including:

Web & communications

Certified Member

In addition to benefiting from the regular actions of the association, accredited members are positioned in all markets on our internet search engines.

  • Company file (English & French) on including :
    • Description of your company & activities
    • Contact details
    • Photo of each of your activities
    • Service points on the map
    • Pictograms of your activities

Associate Member

Separated into different categories, associate members are posted on this web page in order to promote your products and services to the industry.

Newsletter for members

L'Aventure en bref is a montly publication that primarily follows the Association's activities and serves as a memory-guide for dates of upcoming events. It compiles all information pertinent to members in one e-mail.

The Certification*

This means that the outfitter is recognized as a professional that has complied with the AEQ accreditation standards program. This not only gives your organization recognition and credibility, but also the exclusive right to use the AEQ-Certified logo. The certified outfitter annually receives a membership certificate and a commitment policy to post and proudly display its professionalism.

The Extranet

Section reserved exclusively for members and partners of Aventure Écotourisme Québec. Take advantage of templates of documents developed by the industry, studies and publications on your sector.

  • Specific Standards and the Accreditation Program in effect
  • All about marketing
  • Summaries and highlights about your association
  • Models and working tools on safety, ecotourism, laws and more

Annual event

Annual Congress, seminar or workshop - the event is a time for reflection, discussion, training and upgrading for administrative personnel and guides. Members are always offered discounts.

Aventure Écotourisme Québec prize

These Annual prizes are given to outfitters, guides and partners who have distinguished themselves over the past year.

The "Leave No Trace" program

This program offers trainer courses and awareness workshops. The "Leave No Trace" program revolves around educating participants about a code of conduct aimed at reducing the environmental impact of outdoor adventure activities to a minimum.

Marketing Program

Certified Member

Increase your visibility with the marketing plan exclusive to the members of the Association. At low cost, take advantage of the strength of our group and access national and international clients! For more information, click here.

Associate Member

Do you do business with companies that offer adventure tourism activities and are members of the AEQ? You can increase your visibility through the marketing plan. For more information and to verify your eligibility, contact Annie Levesque, marketing manager:


The AÉQ has developed a multitude of strategic partnerships in order to offer exclusive privileges to its members. These agreements** make it possible to our members to profit from the development of the sector, the improvement of safety, of an increased visibility, formations, services or products adapted to their realities. More advantageous agreements ones than the others, which according to case's, make it possible to our members to save invaluable time or money, to soften procedures, to recognize and emphasize professionalism, etc.