Frequently Asked Questions

Click on one of the following questions in order to display its answer.

  • What is the difference between a self-guided activity and outdoor equipment rental?

    For the customer, a self-guided activity can be seen as equipment rental. But for the company, its involvement in safety and supervision is much greater in a self-guided activity than in equipment rental.

    The difference in equipment rental is pure and simple. The rental company does not have control over where the client is going to practice the activity because it is not on its territory, so it cannot intervene in case of need (incident, accident).

    A self-guided activity:
    • is offered to a client or clients;
    • takes place without the supervision of a guide assigned by the company, to supervise the participants during the activity;
    • is a well-defined outdoor activity offered by the company;
    • takes place in a natural environment determined by the company;
    • is of a duration determined by the company;
    • is on a route determined by the company;
    • may involve non-traditional means of transportation in contact with nature, these being determined by the company;
    • may be supplemented by special services such as a patrol, shuttle or other;
    • the company is responsible for offering its services and support in case of incident or accident.

    Rental of equipment for outdoor activities:
    • is offered to a client or clients;
    • takes place in a natural environment and on a course not known by the company;
    • the company cannot offer its services and support in case of incident or accident;
    • is of a duration determined by the company according to the rental contract.

Businesses and legislation

  • Where can I find information regarding the travel agent licensing act?

    The travel agents act is a consumer protection act, so you can get information from the Office de la protection du consommateur (OPC) [Consumer Protection Office]

  • Where can I find information on the legal provision regarding payment terms?

    You will find information about contracts, advance payments, reimbursements and more from the Office de la protection du consommateur (OPC) [Consumer Protection Office]

  • Where do I go to register or incorporate my company?

    You must apply to the Registraire des entreprises du Québec [Quebec Business Registry]
  • Where can I find information concerning operator permits, driver's licences and registration?

    For information about operator permits, see the Commission des transports du Québec [Quebec Transport Commission].

    For information on driver's licences and registration, see the Société de l'Assurance automobile du Québec [Quebec Automobile Insurance Association]


Human resources and training

Financial support

Useful definitions